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The Women of Lafon Produce a Video for World AIDS Day

Writer's picture: Kettia MichelKettia Michel

The Women's Association for the Development of Lafon (AFADLA) has just released this fantastic informational video for their community to mark World AIDS Day.

Below is a short statement by AFADLA's nurse and sex-education teacher Kettia Michel, who is featured in the video, about her work with the organization.

My name is Kettia Michel. I am a nurse. I am a Haitian. I am a woman. And I am a teacher for the children of Lafon.

I teach sex education. For instance, I teach the young people about pregnancy, and about the factors that cause it. We discuss the consequences that can happen when you have sex before you are really ready. We also discuss ways to avoid pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases.

There is a huge need for this kind of education because in the community where we live –– and this is also true in Haitian society at large –– we see that a lot of young girls getting pregnant before they are ready. They are not yet at the age where they are mature enough to handle the responsibility. This is a common theme throughout Haitian society right now.

This situation exists because there is a lack of information on sexuality. There is also a failure on the part of many parents because they consider sex a taboo subject. They're afraid to talk about these things. They are embarrassed to speak to children about what sexual relationships are like, and what consequences there can be if you have sex too early. A lot of parents, and a lot of schools too, don't even explain what sex is. The teachers don't insist on the importance of this curriculum.

I've seen that the community and the students are really happy with these classes. They don't want to get pregnant before the right time either, and this information gives them power. I am grateful to the staff of AFADLA, to its founder Fabienne Lerine, and to Cultural Capital Haiti for giving me this opportunity to make a difference.

–– Kettia Michel

(translated by Michael Rogers)


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